Here is a compilation of research media that I like to refer to for inspiration. The captions on each item are my notes on what I thought was exemplary about it.
Really cool demo shots and visuals. Good use of white space
Really cool demo shots and visuals. Good use of white space
Tons of attention to detail, camera motion, animations, clear audio, method visually described
Tons of attention to detail, camera motion, animations, clear audio, method visually described
Great overlays, 3d shots. Jump to 47 seconds too. Good way to avoid showing a title slide.
Great overlays, 3d shots. Jump to 47 seconds too. Good way to avoid showing a title slide.
Amazing all around. Story, lighting, slow motion, camera movement, examples, 3d visualization, very professional, text animation, transitions, clever, etc.
Could use additional labels to keep the viewer following along
Could use additional labels to keep the viewer following along
Great teaser/trailer video. But….. it doesn’t convey well what Genesis actually does and is a bit misleading.
Text in thumbnails should be minimal and legible. Remember this is a thumbnail, not a title slide for a presentation. The text can complement the title and doesn’t have to even have any of the same words as the tile.
Your Figure 1 plays a large part in the first impression of you paper and visually explain what your paper is about. Here is a great resource talking about the importance of the Figure 1 as well as an overview of the iterative design process.
WSJ article I like the ambient occlusions and the grayscale with red highlights. I like the density of information. Small fonts. Also all contributions in a figure. Good idea. The lighting is the key to making this looks so good. I really like the font choices and the gray backgrounds to separate things.
One of the best I’ve seen. Unique design, amazing visuals, good story, etc
Good flow of story, examples, visuals, tables, and call to action.
Looks amazing, great template, amazing demos that you can try
Long, blog-post style. But good visuals and asthetic